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In April 2022, the Cutlass management team acquired a modern gas gathering and dehydration trunkline system servicing Haynesville Shale production located in Caddo Parrish, Louisiana and Harrison County, Texas. This system is in a state of continuous expansion.

Strategic asset supported by contract with large active regional producer in an institutionally familiar area with de-risked drilling inventory and predictable production profiles.

The system currently includes ~45 miles of high-pressure steel gathering pipelines and a centralized gas dehydration facility located west of Shreveport, Louisiana.

Interconnected to three distinct long-haul takeaway pipelines delivering gas East, West, and South to critical regional supply hubs including Perryville, Carthage, and Henry Hub.


ESG-sensitive opportunity given the importance of the Haynesville gas play for growing LNG exports, regional gas-fired generation, and industrial demand. Electric operation powered exclusively with solar, batteries, and produced gas.